So when British currency was supplanted by USD in 1955 (yes that late) as main reserve this had been a -managed process- with essentially help from the US, and even then there was a considerable danger of a collapse in sterling if there had been a rush to the...
US-Dol·lar 名词 US-Dollar 名词 US-Dollar-Einlage 名词 US-Dol·lar[u:ˈʔɛsdɔlar]名词m US-Dollar USdollar 单数在互联网中有10个示例复数在互联网中有10个示例 US-Dollar名词m金融 专业词汇 US-Dollar(USD,WährungfolgenderLänderundGebiete:USA,Guam,Palau,Ekuador,Mikronesien,PuertoRico...
The euro's ascent to at least comparable status with the dollar has a surface plausibility. Some analysts have argued that the euro's attaining co-dominance simply awaited a significant series of policy mistakes by the United States, similar to how the pound sterling began losing its role in ...