Roosevelt opposed the policy, writing to Taft in late 1910 that the Open Door in China could only be maintained by general diplomatic agreement. He noted that "as has been proved by the whole history of Manchuria, alike under Russia and under Japan, the 'Open Door' policy, as a matter ...
“But, in general, any national currency is so strong and good as the economy that is behind it is strong and good. Therefore, we must proceed from this fundamental factor,” the Russian leader stressed. “As for the dollar, we should minimize risks, because we see what is going on due...
Looks like they’re going to close the Consul in St. Petersburg. That will leave Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, and the Moscow embassy. Sure glad my new 10 year US Passport just arrived by courier. Now I can renew my Russian Residence Permit. The wife has been growing little plants from seeds...
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