212 Alabama Street, Columbus, MS 39702 I believe that the store closes early in my opinion and it would be better if they were open a little later agreedisagree I have shopped at Dollar General only on a few occassions and I have not had a very good experience while shopping there agre...
Columbus Ohio 33 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 33 El Paso Texas 31 Reviews of Dollar General Locations Based on location reviews and ratings from over 4.23M customer of all Dollar General locations, it was found that: 4.11 Average rating from 4.23M reviews 74.64% High customer satisfaction rating 10....
If you are a part of the general rebel-rousers or useless eaters, consider what happened to the debt of the ‘regular’ populace during the Weimar Inflation. It was reset to a level commensurate (supposedly) to the old debt into the NEW currency. THERE WAS NO JUBILEE FOR THE LIKES OF...
I left the store and was able to make my purchase at a Dollar General with no hassle. This situation I experienced at this Family Dollar was very inconvenient to me and the worst customer service I have received from a major store chain,...