If you are a part of the general rebel-rousers or useless eaters, consider what happened to the debt of the ‘regular’ populace during the Weimar Inflation. It was reset to a level commensurate (supposedly) to the old debt into the NEW currency. THERE WAS NO JUBILEE FOR THE LIKES OF...
Let us indeed assume that gold has been selected as the general medium of exchange by the market, and that the unit of account is the gold gram. What will be the consequences of complete monetary freedom for each individual? What of the freedom of the individual to print his own money, ...
That’s too extreme for me, but the general premise is useful: If an asset class has run up in value, you should happily take some of those gains and move them into an asset class that’s been lagging. Adam M. Grossman is the founder of Mayport, a fixed-fee wealth management firm...