The employee said one of her managers told her to delete all comments, about Dollar General putting workers at risk in relation to safety standards, immediately or be fired. In addition she was told to get rid of any post with negative comments about Dollar General. You have got to be kid...
Whether you’re shopping at a true blue dollar store (like Dollar Tree,) or a store like Dollar General, where things are affordable but not necessarily a dollar, you can still find some killer deals that aren’t available in other types of shops,...
BUT – in general, many of their office items are a good deal. What caught my eye here were the calculators and sticky notes. $1 for a pack of 6 mini sticky pads is a great deal. And really, who doesn't need more sticky notes??
1) Continue to consult with you concerning marketing, merchandising and general business operations. (Section 3.05, Franchise Agreement.) 2) Lend you any amendments, supplements or replacements, at no charge, to the confidential Manual (as described in this Item 11 above). (Sections l.F and 7....
Blender is one of the best 3D animation software free download which you can use on almost all platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux, and other versions). It is released under the GNU General Public License, so you are free to use Blender animation software, for any purpose. You can even shar...
Here’s a general guide of what to actually purchase at a Dollar Tree: Greeting cards Paper plates and cups Wrapping paperand gift bags Balloons Confetti Bread Books Hair accessories Simple makeup items like eyeshadow or lipstick (you’re better off getting higher-quality foundation at a differe...
The cost of cable Internet connection varies by location and if you choose to group TV, Internet or telephone services. In general, cable internet is an affordable commercial solution that ranges between $25 and $100 per month. Keep in mind that you usually pay more for higher speeds and ma...
The Echo Dot 3rd-Gen isn’t just a great smart home device, but also a great smart device in general. With it you’re able to call friends and family who have the Alexa app or an Echo device, and you can even network several Echo devices throughout your house to create an announceme...