The Dollar General store in Lima,Ohio at 310 N. Jameson Ave. is right next doodoor to my house. There is always garbage everywhere along the side of the building where the dumpster area is. The store has a 6 foot wood stockade fence that is boarded both sides to permit seeing through...
18. It should also be noted here that the Hoover administration's alleged devotion to retaining the gold standard is largely myth. As Hoover's Undersecretary of the Treasury has declared rather proudly: "The going off [gold] cannot be laid to Franklin Roosevelt. It had been determined to ...
1942, when researchers had them installed in 5-inch projectiles and fired from a standard AA gun. Fifty-two percent of the launched fuzes activated successfully. Though falling short of Tuze’s requisite 80 percent, that success rate was good enough that the Navy...