There are currently seventeen Dollar General Stores within a 10-mile radius of the Evansville zip code 47711. Soon that number of stores will be eighteen. There are plans for another Dollar General Store next to Wolf's mapsWolf...
I love your company but cannot seem to get my foot in the door! Please help!!! Ed Curran, Columbia, Mo. Available anytime and have great references!!! 28 Nov Posted byPissed off won't be back to any 11/28/17 6:30PM I worked at Dollar General and never once was I told you co...
I left the store and was able to make my purchase at a Dollar General with no hassle. This situation I experienced at this Family Dollar was very inconvenient to me and the worst customer service I have received from a major store chain, Leslie Barnes Jul 18, 2019 20 I was in ...
Dollarama aims to provide customers with a consistent shopping experience and compelling value, offering a broad assortment of general merchandise, consumables and seasonal items. All stores are corporately-owned and operated, and are conveniently located in metropolitan areas, mid-sized cities and smal...
New Homes Agent, Russell and Jeffcoat Real Estate Inc., Columbia, South Carolina “Love working with you, and as always, you’ve created another winner with the monthly update for the Beverly Grove area.” Robert Gertz General Brokerage Agent, Keller Williams, Los Angeles,CA “Thank you so...
Finding a way to detect problems early could help head off a situation similar to the condo crisis in Vancouver and Victoria, which suffered an epidemic of leaky buildings constructed in the late 1980s and 1990s—some 65,000 units in all. British Columbia created a commission of inquiry headed...