Bill Clinton. Lied to a grand jury about Monica. Nothing happened. Robert Kennedy. Had an affair with Marylyn Monroe while in office and nothing happened. Wilber Mills had an affair Fanny fox. Nothing happened . Who could forget Mary Jo kopekny who wound up dead by the Kennedys? If you...
Bill & Hillary Clinton Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her husband former U.S. president Bill Clinton live in Chappaqua, Westchester County. Chelsea Clinton Was Married in Dutchess County Getty Images Chelsea Clinton Was Marri...
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke contends there is no mystery why the dollar is going down in value. Hemke explains, “You’ve got the Fed wanting a lower dollar. You’ve got
During the Clinton administration, Att. Gen. Janet Reno instructed FBI head Bill Sessions to forge an unbreakable bond of cooperation and information sharing with ADL. According to ADL, their “Hate Crime Working Group Model” has been installed in every state attorney general’s office. Hate ...