General George Washington was on the ball crossed the water caught the German soldiers drunk, asleep five miles from me. Why are the Germans and English [rich ones] always getting together to murder,steal evil hearts. Thank you Jesus for everything . Reply Judy Oldenburg 04/07/2023 • ...
Hard red winter wheat grows in the Midwestern states of Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and parts of Texas, while soft red winter wheat grows in the Great Lakes region and near the Atlantic coast. Hard red spring wheat grows in the Northern Plains states of Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Sou...
The IRS announced in February 2023 that it would contract New America Foundation – a left-wing think tank funded by nonprofits founded by liberal billionaires Bill Gates, George Soros, Mike Bloombergand Eric Schmidt– to study the hypothetical system. Then, in May 2023, Yellen green-...
Money manager Peter Schiff hasn’t changed his investment strategy one bit, even though the world seems to be falling apart. Schiff explains, “I am already prepared, and what I am trying to prepare my clients for is for the day when the dollar is no longer the reserve currency.. . ....
The leader of the biggest US oil-producing state pegged the potential increase in Texas crude production at 1 million barrels a day in a Twitter post late Sunday. That would push the state’s output above 6 million barrels a day – a level not seen in at least 43 years of Energy ...
On a different matter, I personally discuss the Jewish and New World Order in general with anyone that comes near my vicinity and and is willing to listen… Generally speaking in Greece, a very large number of the population knows about the Jews; and especially if you grow up in the Churc...