I went to the Dollar general store in lake Michigan and the manager there, her name is Lisa, denied my return all together. I had bought the wrong brand of pot pie only a minute before, I asked to return them for the right brand and she told me they don't do returns on food. I...
Back to my goose face off, this occurred many years ago, along the shores of Honey Lake in Lassen County, up in northeast California. After that bird had the misfortune to fly into a pellet or two, that may, or may not, have come from my general direction, the hapless, innocent anima...
Back to my goose face off, this occurred many years ago, along the shores of Honey Lake in Lassen County, up in northeast California. After that bird had the misfortune to fly into a pellet or two, that may, or may not, have come from my general direction, the hapless, innocent anima...
–U.S. 5 Star General Douglas MacArthur to visting Catholic Bishop Fulton Sheen in Allied Occupied Japan. “We have penetrated into the mysteries of the atom and have UTTERLY FAILED to grasp the Lord’s Teachings of His Sermon on the Mount.”– U.S. Army General Omar Bradley to the 19...