Synonyms for two dollar bill in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for two dollar bill. 9 words related to two dollar bill: bank bill, bank note, banker's bill, banknote, Federal Reserve note, government note, greenback, bill, note. What are synonyms for two dolla
Synonyms for twenty dollar bill nouna United States bill worth 20 dollars Synonyms twenty Related Words bank bill bank note banker's bill banknote Federal Reserve note government note greenback bill note Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex In...
Google Share on Facebook U.S. Dollar (redirected fromUS dollar) Dictionary Thesaurus U.S. Dollar Thecurrencyof the United States. First issued in 1792, it is thecurrencyused most often in internationaltransactions. After World War II, most world currencies werepeggedto the dollar, which was ...
bank bill, bank note, banker's bill, banknote, Federal Reserve note, government note, greenback, bill, note - a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank); "he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes" 3. dollar - a United States coin worth one dollar; "the dolla...
Lookup Match Max MDeterm MDuration Median Min MInverse MIrr MMult Mode Mode_Mult Mode_Sngl MRound MultiNomial Munit NegBinom_Dist NegBinomDist NetworkDays NetworkDays_Intl Nominal Norm_Dist Norm_Inv Norm_S_Dist Norm_S_Inv NormDist NormInv NormSDist NormSInv NPer Npv NumberValue Oct2Bin Oct2De...
five dollar bill- a United States bill worth 5 dollars fiver,five-spot bank bill,bank note,banker's bill,banknote,Federal Reserve note,government note,greenback,bill,note- a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank); "he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes" ...
Lookup Match Max MDeterm MDuration Median Min MInverse MIrr MMult Mode Mode_Mult Mode_Sngl MRound MultiNomial Munit NegBinom_Dist NegBinomDist NetworkDays NetworkDays_Intl Nominal Norm_Dist Norm_Inv Norm_S_Dist Norm_S_Inv NormDist NormInv NormSDist NormSInv NPer Npv NumberValue Oct2Bin Oc...
Lookup Match Max MDeterm MDuration Median Min MInverse MIrr MMult Mode Mode_Mult Mode_Sngl MRound MultiNomial Munit NegBinom_Dist NegBinomDist NetworkDays NetworkDays_Intl Nominal Norm_Dist Norm_Inv Norm_S_Dist Norm_S_Inv NormDist NormInv NormSDist NormSInv NPer Npv NumberValue Oct2Bin Oct2Dec Oct...
Lookup Match Max MDeterm MDuration Median Min MInverse MIrr MMult Mode Mode_Mult Mode_Sngl MRound MultiNomial Munit NegBinom_Dist NegBinomDist NetworkDays NetworkDays_Intl Nominal Norm_Dist Norm_Inv Norm_S_Dist Norm_S_Inv NormDist NormInv NormSDist NormSInv NPer Npv NumberValue Oct2Bin Oct2Dec Oct...
Lookup Match Max MDeterm MDuration Median Min MInverse MIrr MMult Mode Mode_Mult Mode_Sngl MRound MultiNomial Munit NegBinom_Dist NegBinomDist NetworkDays NetworkDays_Intl Nominal Norm_Dist Norm_Inv Norm_S_Dist Norm_S_Inv NormDist NormInv NormSDist NormSInv NPer Npv NumberValue Oct2Bin Oct2Dec Oct...