Anyways, after an hour, they did a refund of $0.00 and then got another one and it was for the $256.08. How long does that take to get back? I have been showing the pending amount with a release date of 7/7/21 since I left the store; but nothing for the $256.08. Is this ...
Moderate amounts of all items and house brand on parma & tortellini. $50 two months ago. $70 today. I am a person of routine & very detail oriented. Left from the garden: raspberries in the freezer & squash in the cellar. I got a nice gas-powered tiller f...
No investment is ever “safe” when it comes to risk-proof returns. All equity and bond investments will go up and down with the markets. That said, using a discount brokerage to purchase these ETFs is extremely safe from a fraudulent or theft situation. Also, instantly diversifying your inv...
is just another fiat currency like the dollar. The ECB 'talks the gold talk' in its advertisements promoting the euro currency. However, the ECB and the euro do NOT 'walk the gold walk'. Neither domestic European euros; nor foreign euros, are redeemable for the token gold reserves of the...
“It’s a time when there’s an incredible amount of violence,” says Savage. Some left-leaning Brits grew convinced that they should support the IRA, which they believed was fighting “a war against an imperialist power.” As Dugdale explained in the docume...
“‘’ has, as many here believe, God for its backer, and while this may be the case, Greg Hunter has never begged nor petitioned men for support. When He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will unde...
In other words, it is an exponential growth which causes inflation of the amount of money and at the same time growing indebtment of the State. 6) All debt of the State will be payed back WITHOUT INTEREST, for example 5% each year. Interests generated will not be serviced. 7) Las ...
“The promised forbearance amounts to fauxbearance,” O’Rielly said. Pai said the FCC’s use of Title II to regulate broadband is an invitation to allow the government to “micromanage the Internet.” And he said he worries that future iterations of the FCC would use the agency’s expan...
If you’ll be paying for childcare, ask if your employer offers pretax payroll deductions to cover dependent care costs. Settling on the right amount requires some planning, because money contributed must be spent within a defined time frame. But depending on your tax bracket, the savings can...
The more traumatic theft happened in the early 1970s, when I was 20 years old. I’d bought a Volkswagen Super Beetle and had it for just six months when it was stolen while I was busy attending college classes. For months afterward, I’d panic and my heart would start pounding if I...