一、本sight words单词列表的来由 单词列表来源于国际上著名的Dolch Sight Words,Dolch Sight Words是美国学者E.W. Dolch针对当时英语儿童读物做了系统分析和统计后整理出来的英语初级阅读中最常使用的320个词,这些词在英语教科书、图书、报章、杂志中的出现率为60%~85%。所以对于零基础或者小学阶段的学生,学习这...
First Grade(一年级):41个词汇,如after, has, open, thank Second Grade(二年级):46个词汇,包括before, right, those, write Third Grade(三年级):41个词汇,如about, better, carry, laugh 每个阶段新增词汇在句式复杂度、语义抽象度上逐步提升,例如三年级词汇开始出现多音节词(...
1936年提出、1948年首次发表的315词Dolch Sight Words,从Pre-Kindergarten(幼儿园前,即3-4岁)覆盖到三年级(Third Grade),总共五个年级,这就是学龄前到小学中低年级了。 覆盖到这个阶段,本来应该说也差不多了。 不过,如前所述,许...
Pre-Kindergarten - Dolch Sight Words 4 List(s)Import Group Kindergarten - Dolch Sight Words 5 List(s)Import Group 1st Grade - Dolch Sight Words 4 List(s)Import Group 2nd Grade - Dolch Sight Words 4 List(s)Import Group 3rd Grade - Dolch Sight Words 4 List(s)Import Group Dolch...
下面我把最新的Dolch Sight Words词,总共320整理出来了,分享给大家。1、Pre-primer(学龄前入门级)2、Primer(入门级)3、1st Grade(一年级)4、2nd Grade(二年级)5、3rd Grade(三年级)总之,sight words跟符合自然拼读法的单词,我们称为word family一起,是最基础的词,也是阅读的关键词,一定要学好,...
Full set of flashcards with pre-primer Dolch sight words; Includes checklist (PP). Kindergarten to 2nd Grade Dolch Bingo - Pre-Primer FREE A set of 30 bingo boards and calling cards so you can play sight word bingo with your class. Kindergarten to 2nd Grade I have/Who has Game: Pre...
《Dolch Sight Words: 幼儿英语阅读的315 个视觉词》,按难度分为5 级: Pre-primer Primer、Grade 1、Grade 2 和Grade 3, 包括220 个基本词汇, 另外还有95 个名词,共315 个高频词。这些非名词,大多难以通过图像和联想帮助孩子识记(如of、the 等),很多词的读音也不遵循发音规则,孩子们只能通过视觉认读而硬...
1 2 ... 4 → 1st Grade Dolch Sight Words for Kids According to Dr. Dolch, a set of specific words constantly occurs across adult and children’s reading material. Learning these words and knowing them well helps kids recall words faster, decode other complex words seamlessly, and gain mo...
Dolch Sight Words是美国学者Edward William Dolch总结的英语高频词汇体系,专为提升儿童早期阅读能力设计,包含220个功能词和95个常见名词,需通过视觉记忆强化。其核心价值在于覆盖初级读物50%-75%的词汇量,并采用分级教学策略。以下从六个维度展开说明: 1. 词汇构成与分类 Dolch词汇分为两类:220个无...