一年级(1st Grade): 二年级(2nd Grade): 三年级(3rd Grade): 不仅老师可以照着这份词表来教孩子,家长也可以自己带娃学。 学会这220个词,“性价比最高”的阶段应该是孩子刚开始英语阅读的时候。如果母语孩子到了三年级还不能完全掌握这些词,那他们的读写能力实在值得担心。 所以这几年,对于Sight words相关图书...
1、Pre-primer(学龄前入门级)2、Primer(入门级)3、1st Grade(一年级)4、2nd Grade(二年级)5、3rd Grade(三年级)总之,sight words跟符合自然拼读法的单词,我们称为word family一起,是最基础的词,也是阅读的关键词,一定要学好,学得滚瓜烂熟。提示:需要看思维导图和例句的,可以点击左下角的了解...
Pre-primer Dolch words 40单词是黄色 Primer Dolch words 52单词是蓝色 1st Grade Dolch words 41单词是灰色 2nd Grade Dolch words 46单词是绿色 3rd Grade Dolch words 41单词是紫 Dolch Word List Sight Word针对小学生,由美国学者Edward William Dolch所列出,所以这些要记的高频词都在Dolch Word List 。 Dol...
To link to this First Grade Sight Words (Dolch sight word list) page, copy the following code to your site: First Grade Sight Words (Dolch sight word list) Educational Videos More Topics Handwriting Spanish Facts Examples Formulas Difference Between Inventions...
Kindergarten and 1st Grade Dolch Dice Fluency Game:Pre-Primer Level In this sight word game, students will roll a die. The number they roll determines the column of sight words on the game board that they need to read. Kindergarten to 2nd Grade Dolch Word Wheels - Pre-Primer Create spinnin...
Sight Word SLAP IT! - Third Grade Dolch Words Play a sight word matching game to enhance reading fluency and knowledge of third grade high frequency words. PDF Slide Grade s 2 - 3 Plus Plan Google Interactive Sight Words - 1st Grade Dolch Word Slideshow Read, write, identify, and...
This Free 1st Grade English Worksheets with spelling worksheet activities is really a great way for 1st graders to learn new important words covered sight words, academic words, and 1st grade level appropriate patterns for words, focusing on word families which are all part of a language arts pr...
《Dolch Sight Words: 幼儿英语阅读的315 个视觉词》,按难度分为5 级: Pre-primer Primer、Grade 1、Grade 2 和Grade 3, 包括220 个基本词汇, 另外还有95 个名词,共315 个高频词。这些非名词,大多难以通过图像和联想帮助孩子识记(如of、the 等),很多词的读音也不遵循发音规则,孩子们只能通过视觉认读而硬...
Color-coded sight word flashcards will make it fun and easy to master all of Dolch's 1st Grade Sight Words! Flashcards are proven tools to provide fluency practice while engaging a student's mind in active recall which teaches their brains to remember words, concepts, or processes...
Dolch Sight Words - 1st Grade: 4 lists, each has 15 words (60 words in total) Tools for Learning and Assessment: Interactive CardsPDF Worksheets after again an any as ask by could every fly from give giving had has her him his how just know let live may of old once open over put ...