雀巢胶囊奶茶选用法国高品质奶粉,以及优质红茶制作而成,不含植脂末。专利smart技术,标准港式奶茶配比,每一颗都是大师级口感。放入Dolce Gusto胶囊咖啡机,就可以得到一杯香醇丝滑的港式奶茶。 某东今日售价70元/件,可参与每满99-50,下单3件,折后110元包邮,折36.67元/件,2.29元/颗,近期好价,喜欢可入。
雀巢咖啡Dolce Gusto多趣酷思的胶囊均采用“SMART CAPSULE”专有技术,创意的设计既可以依照研磨咖啡胶囊的口味释放不同的萃取压力,确保每一杯咖啡香醇馥郁,又能省去额外的专业奶泡设备,轻松享用新鲜奶泡的绵密口感与风味。 产品 咖啡机 在中国大陆发布的雀巢咖啡Dolce Gusto多趣酷思共推出三款机型——未来感设计的Circolo...
Chai Tea Latte: 34 mg Nestea Peach Iced Tea: 9 mg Preludio / Grande morning blend: 155 mg Essenza di Moka: 142 mg Cafe au Lait Intenso: 102 mg Lungo Intenso: 147 mgIn the USA, Dolce Gusto machines will no longer be sold for in-home use. Nestlé instead has developed a new machine...
The Dolce Gusto Timer application helps in the preparation of Dolce Gusto beverages in non-automatic machines indicating switching off the machine according to the chosen beverage using an audible alarm and vibrating the device. Also includes records of beverages to control their personal stock of ca...