inParrish v. Premier Directional Drilling, LP, the Fifth Circuit rejected the argument that the putative employer’s requirement that its independent contractors comply with drug testing and safety requirements was
281,891 – with $2,093,964 released initially – awarded to the Maine Department of Labor. The grant will support disaster-relief jobs and provide employment services to eligible individuals in Maine communities affected by the health and economic impact...
The Final Rule also provides guidance on what duties are considered “related” to tip generating duties, to assist employers in determining whether the tip credit rate applies to that work. Again, state law may limit the application of the federal rule, depending on the state at issue, s...
Student-employees are also the subject of a section of the fact sheet. The DOL notes that many working students are hourly, nonexempt workers who generally do not work more than 40 hours a week. Some students, however, receive a salary or other non-hourly compensation while working as ...
U.S. Department of Labor issues Strengthening Wage Protections for the Temporary and Permanent Employment of Certain Aliens in the United States interim final rule
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