Lssjgoku79·4/25/2018 I’m fairly sure that Phy SSJ3 Gotenks raises his attack with his 9/10 ki super, not the 12 ki KyookiNoKage·4/25/2018 Decided to open the game and check just in case the info on the Wiki was wrong. His 9-10 Ki super lowers Defense, 11 Ki greatly ...
Str Namek Goku, LR Ssj Gohan, Lr Ssj2 Gohan, Ssbe Vegeta, Super Kaioken Goku, Phy Dokkan Fest Piccolo & MAYBE Golden Frieza/Resurrection F Ssb Goku & Vegeta’s as well as any Ssj3 Majin Buu Saga Goku’s from the moment goku first went Ssj3 (believe it or not all the Ssj3 Goku’...
Teq SSB Vegeta PHY SSJ Trunks (Father and Son Galick Gun one) is this team good Taiohan·4/19/2019 Copy Link WHERE IS SSJ3 BROLY??!! HE IS FROM XENOVERSE/SDBH AND SO IS SSJ3 BARDOCK.. BUT WHY IS BARDOCK HERE AND BROLY ISNT!!Literally all the Xenoverse & SDBH Units are on this...
Both of them have been out classed by Transforming Goku and Frieza, which is why they aren't at the top. Also please clarify how this tier list and the extreme one are outdated when they both include the most recent units (DFE SSJ3 Goku and Kid Buu). RashFaustinho·1/26/2022 Sorry...
38. Standby Skill Theme - TEQ WT Goku 10:40 27.62 MB get_app playlist_add 39. Standby Skill Theme - STR SSJ3 Goku 15:37 24.64 MB get_app playlist_add 40. Standby Skill Theme - LR STR SSJ Gohan 20:30 50.10 MB get_app playlist_add 41. Standby Skill Theme - LR STR GT Bros 10...