Str Namek Goku, LR Ssj Gohan, Lr Ssj2 Gohan, Ssbe Vegeta, Super Kaioken Goku, Phy Dokkan Fest Piccolo & MAYBE Golden Frieza/Resurrection F Ssb Goku & Vegeta’s as well as any Ssj3 Majin Buu Saga Goku’s from the moment goku first went Ssj3 (believe it or not all the Ssj3 Goku’...
INT SSB Vegeta PHY Kaioken Goku I only use the LR Broly, SSJ4 Goku/Vegeta, SSJ3 Gotenks, and STR Gogeta as my buddy. Expand I got lr goku ssj4 goku Int ssj goku (Angel) Phy Omega Shenron (new) ssj4 Gogeta Nuova Shenron and usually a lr broly as friend Diversity...
Expand Changelog ↑Note: Some units are at the top of these lists due to their position as high-percentage Class Type/Category leader, not necessarily because they are the best unit within the format. Some leaders fit both positions.