Do we need a new tab for LR TEQ SSJ Goku's EZA? Loekman3·7/18/2020 Copy Link Nope, he can simply be put into the chance-based tab as he gets in an Ultra Super Attack Noisyturtle·1/30/2020 Copy Link With 20 crit it still only seems to trigger like 1 in 10 ...
Exploding Fist Super Saiyan 3 Goku Terrifying Phantom Majin Hirudegarn Japan Determination to Protect Universe 11 Toppo Astounding Fusion Power Gotenks N° ID Name Rarities N R SR SSR UR LR UR & LR (EZA) Link Skills & Categories Link Skill Categories Types AGL ...
LR GOKU LR 17 & 18 UR SSJ4 GOKU & VEGETA UR VEGITO BLUE UR BLACK GOKU ROSE UR BLACK GOKU UR GOTENKS 1,2 & 3 UR BARDOCK UR SUPER SAIYAN 3 BROLY UR SUPER SAIYAN 3 GOKU & VEGETA and some many others UR senortaco389 Senior Member 1k 256 Posted August 26, 2017 ...
44. Standby Skill Theme - LR PHY Buu Bois 10:22 26.91 MB get_app playlist_add 45. Standby Skill Theme - LR INT SSJ4 Goku 15:01 37.55 MB get_app playlist_add 46. Standby Skill Theme - LR INT Gammas 10:12 17.21 MB get_app playlist_add 47. Standby Skill Theme - LR INT Babidi ...
Idk, sorry if it's a weird rant but back in the beginning when only SSJ Goku was an LR, these huge grinds made sense, you felt like you're doing something generational, or like when AGL Vegito or PHY Vegito Blue was there, you were going to get a unit who was going to carry you...
Str Namek Goku, LR Ssj Gohan, Lr Ssj2 Gohan, Ssbe Vegeta, Super Kaioken Goku, Phy Dokkan Fest Piccolo & MAYBE Golden Frieza/Resurrection F Ssb Goku & Vegeta’s as well as any Ssj3 Majin Buu Saga Goku’s from the moment goku first went Ssj3 (believe it or not all the Ssj3 Goku’...
(Angel) Return from the Dark Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel) Willing to Fight Super Saiyan Vegeta Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki Flaring Rage Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) Top Pages this Week The Tier List 1 Incomparable Radiance Super Saiyan Goku + Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel) 2 Tier List: ...
int black + str or agl rose (depending on the type coverage you need) LR cell + eza cell and then the eza trunks and vegeta on rotation with the other black. This setup guarentees solid support and the perfect amount of ki so that you can always decide if cell should attack all targ...
And all of the The room of spirit and time users. The entire concept of buu saga ultimate gohan ritual Piccollo wishing for power. Or that would be my theory, if brOLY AND HIT WEREN’T HERE. Goku and vegeta took 20+ years to reach from equel to Frieza to ssgss. ...