Doja Cat performs her new single, 'Demons,' for the first time at the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards, which aired on Tuesday. The 27-year-old rapper sings two other tracks that are expected to be included on her upcoming album, 'Scarlet.' Doja Cat also celebrates five nomi...
When Doja Cat released the '70s-inspired music video for "Say So," earlier this year,TikTokers were thrilledto see that not only did the "Juicy" artist incorporate the TikTok dance moves into the choreography, the dance's teenage creatorHaley Sharpe(who has 1.6 million follow...
Make no mistake about it: you may look atDoja Cat, but you cannot touch. In the opening-night set for a string of UK arena dates, the LA-born artist raps, sings, twerks, and eye-contacts her audience into ecstasy, shrouded by flames and numerous hay bales apparently made from hair. ...
Related “Come make me over/ I’m all I wanna be/ A walkin’ fire/ You can’t get rid of me,” Doja sings in a raspy snarl over the song’s booming guitars in the tweaked opening verse. In a behind-the-scenes teaser video, Doja is seen recording the song and going over the l...