As previously reported,Doja Catmade headlines earlier this year after reportedly participating in racist chatrooms. Footage was leaked online of the ‘Say So’ rapper on TinyChat, 4chan, and RedPill, which are all known for people making racist comments while in the chatrooms. #dojacatisoverp...
Born Amala Dlamini in California on Oct. 21, 1995, Doja Cat is a Grammy Award-winning singer and rapper.
a song from 2015surfaced onlinecalled "Dindu Nuffin," which is also an alt-right term used to ridicule Black people who suffered police brutality and claimed their innocence. She apologized but then had to deal with footage ofher in Tinychat chat roomssaying the word "n***...
Many were saying how much they loved Doja Cat's energy towards the evening and others were praising Emma for how she handled the interview. One person shared a clip of the interview saying: "'Woow…okay, so something a little different' lmao this interaction was perfect."...
Doja Cat has mastered, whereby a world that simply tolerated Donald Trump and Boris Johnson for many years, proves that saying something offensive or doing something reprehensible is often derided, but tolerated. In an online world, Doja Cat has navigated this tightrope between cancellation and ...
Doja Cat talks 'Planet Her,' working (and not working) with Dr. Luke, her tour, "Mooo!" and more
The backlash towards Doja Cat picked up after she tweeted about leaving following the storm, saying: “When I left the next morning there wasn’t one person outside the hotel waiting for me. Let that sink in.” She also says she has no plans of taking pictures with anyone after this to...
Born Amala Dlamini in California on Oct. 21, 1995, Doja Cat is a Grammy Award-winning singer and rapper.