St. Paul officials have not denied that conversations concerning the three lawsuits took place last year with the Department of Justice, but city and DOJ officials maintain that federal attorneys are within their right to consider pending litigation when brokering legal resolutions. Frederick Melo Note...
Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of DOJ to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of DOJ on Twitter Twitter Love words? Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Merriam-Webster unabridged Can...
The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), also known as the Justice Department, is the United States federal executive department responsible for the enforcement of the law and administration of justice, equivalent to the justice or interior ministries of other countries. DOJ...
doj是一个名词缩写,全称是Department of Justice,意思是司法部、反不正当竞争部门,我们来看到这个简写的核心词汇,第一个Department这个单词,这个单词一共可以划分为三个音节,【de】、【part】和【ment】,第一个音节的发音为【dɪ】,而第二个音节的发音为【pɑːt】,最后一个音节的...
英语缩写“DOJ”通常代表“Defenders Of Justice”,中文即“正义的捍卫者”。这个缩写词主要用于表达对公正和法律的维护,其流行度达到了2135,属于Miscellaneous领域,常用于科幻小说等场景。DOJ的中文解释直白明了,即维护法律和公平的勇士,国家在保障社会平等、保护多数人利益和守护自由价值方面扮演着这一...
“DOJ”是什么意思 英文缩写 DOJ 英文全称 Doing Our Job 中文解释 做好我们的工作 缩写分类 GOVERNMENTAL 应用领域 Law & Legal 流行程度 2135° 简要解释 无 以上表格展示了“DOJ”的主要定义,其中中文解释由机器翻译(标记“人工审核”除外)“DOJ”其他含义 缩略词英文全称 / 中文翻译 DOJ Department Of Just...
Laws & Legalities DOJ Proposes Breaking Up Google: Calls for Sale of Chrome Browser The DOJ proposes tough proposals in its antitrust lawsuit against Google, including selling the Chrome browser, limiting search… byWaqas November 21, 2024
英语中的缩写词"Department of Justice (U.S.)"通常被简写为"DoJ",中文即为“司法部(美国)”。本文旨在为你提供详细的关于这个缩写词的解析,包括其英文单词的全称、中文拼音(sī fǎ bù měi guó),以及在英语中的使用频率和分类。DoJ主要属于政府机构类别,常用于美国政府的官方文档和网络...
1. 在英语中,"DOJ"是一个常用的缩写词,其全称为 "Date Of Joining",中文解释为"加入日期"。2. 这个缩写在各种商务和专业文本中广泛使用,尤其在记录员工信息时,比如姓名、入职日期等。3. DOJ的中文拼音为"jiā rù rì qī",其在英语领域的流行度达到了2135,表明它在日常交流和文档中较为...