These little jobs will build your confidence and teach you a few skills you’ll use for bigger jobs AND they’ll reveal to you how you feel about the work. If painting a wall is to you what jigsaw puzzles are to me, leave it to the pros! (Are there pro jigsaw-puzzle finishers? Ca...
I write my diary…I do jigsaw puzzles on my iPad while I listen to the news or books on Audible. I try to come up with ideas to help while not being able to move. I am trying to think what are the lessons to take from this.” Diane von Furstenberg Courtesy of Diane von ...
But the board game is right there in front of you, free of electronic tethers, connecting you. Long live board games, and everything like them. They bring people together in a divided world. — I doubt I’m alone in my affinity for the ways of yesterday. In what parts of life have ...