World Bank Ease of Doing Business in Asia ranking: 2nd Global ranking: 3rd Patent box regime The government introduced the Patent Box incentive on 5 July 2024 to boost IP trading in the industrial, R&D and creative sectors. The tax rate on assessable profits from eligible IP income is reduced...
DUBAI, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- The Gulf state United Arab Emirates (UAE) increased its stance in the World Bank's ease of doing business ranking and entered the global top 30 for the first time, Abu Dhabi daily The National reported on Wednesday. The UAE, a major oil supplier and the mo...
Like its annual 'Doing Business' (DB) ranking, the World Bank's new Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture (BBA) initiative ranks countries according to how 'business friendly' their agriculture and land policies are, thus promoting competitive economic deregulation as countries vie for foreign ...
DHAKA, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- Bangladesh has carried out three business reforms during the past year, the most in a decade, and would need to accelerate the reform pace to further improve its regional and global competitiveness, the World Bank Group's "Doing Business 2020" study said. The c...
GENEVA — Asian apparel exporting nations India, Cambodia, Vietnam and Sri Lanka posted gains in implementing regulatory reforms that reduce costs and remove impediments to doing business, a World Bank report said. The report, “Doing Business 2016,” found that 231 business reforms were implemented...
An economy’s “ease of doing business” score is reflected on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 represents the lowest and 100 represents the best performance. The ease of doing business ranking ranges from 1 to 190.
In a tweet on Thursday, Razzaz said that Jordan has jumped 29 ranks in the report, placing 75th from 104th on the ease of doing business ranking in 2018. "This advancement will have a positive impact on attracting investments and creating job opportunities," Razzaz said, adding that the ...
(a low numerical rank) means that the regulatory environment is conducive to business operation. The index averages the country's percentile rankings on 10 topics covered in the World Bank's Doing Business. The ranking on each topic is the simple average of the percentile rankings on its ...
Footnote 50 The report contained the overall conclusion that ‘one size can fit all’ in respect of the legal regulation of business. In the 2004 report France was ranked at 44th and there was some surprise and disappointment in France at this relatively low ranking; behind countries such as...
Business Reporter Zimbabwe has improved its global ease of doing business ranking to 155 up from a ranking of 159 for the comparative prior year, the latest World Bank Doing Business 2019 Report has revealed. The country’s score also improved by 1,92 percent to 50.44, according to World Ban...