Italian, Portuguese sometimes, German, Czech, Polish, Russian, Arabic, as well as in Tagalog and Hindi. Many different languages use the ‘rolled r’ sound. However, not all of them pronounce this sound the same way
Quondam: that once was; (a) former [as that grand dame of words Merriam Webster says: “Looking for an unusual and creative way to say “former”?” Quondam(which came to English in the 16th century from Latinquondam, meaning “at one time” or “formerly”) ~ look no further!] ...
(including Somaliland), are all countries which tend to experience ongoing conflict and instability, as is Yemen, less than 30km away by sea across the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. Tiny Djibouti, comparatively, is open for business, and an oasis of stability, or so it seems to many interested ...
/ 5IndIkeItE(r); `IndE9ketL/ n 1 person or thing that points out or gives information (eg a pointer or needle on a machine showing speed or pressure, etc) 指示者; 指示器; 指针: Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution. 石蕊试纸可用以测试溶...
adj ~ (in sth) lacking experience 无经验的; 缺乏 经验的 : inexperienced in love, business, negotiation 在恋爱、 经商、 谈判方面无经验. inexpert / In5eksp\:t; In`Zksp[t/ adj ~ (at sth) unskilled 不熟练的; 无技巧的: inexpert advice, guidance, etc 不在行的劝告、 指导等. inexpertly...
1⃞ “Bombay” (meaning “good bay”) was the name the English adopted during the British Raj which derived fromBombaim, the name the Portuguese chose for the city during their occupation 2⃞ the new name, Mumbai, didn’t trigger a change in the name of the city’s famous film...