Illinois DBA (Doing Business As)Only $99 (plus applicable state fees)When you just have to operate as a sole proprietorship, is here to help you file a fictitious name filing - also referred to as a DBA (Doing Business As). Keep in mind that there are good reasons NOT to...
There is another, simpler approach known as “doing business as.” Usually abbreviated as “DBA,” this loose structure allows you to operate your business under a name that is separate from any legal name you might be using for tax filing purposes. ...
Filing an Idaho fictitious business name, aka an Idaho DBA (doing business as), is an easy and straightforward process. If you want to save time and effort,LLC filing companieslike LegalZoom and ZenBusiness can help you get that at a fraction of the cost. ...
Filing a Massachusetts DBA is a great idea for separating your legal name from your business name or branding purpose. This guide will help you through the process step by step. So read on for all the information you need to file MA DBA. Important!Please keep in mind that DBA is not a...
Getting a DBA is an easy, low-cost way to brand and market your business and includes these key advantages: Minimal paperwork and maintenance Getting a DBA is usually as simple as paying a low fee and filing a single form. While you may need to renew your DBA periodically, you won’t ...
Brown, first elected in 2006, ran heavily on his support abortion rights and sought to portray Moreno as a dishonest business executive who cheated his employees. Moreno, a car salesperson born in Colombia, emerged from a nasty three-way primary in March ...
Mr. Pruitt’s supporters, including President Trump, have hailed his moves as an uprooting of the administrative state and a clearing of onerous regulations that have stymied American business. Environmenta...
DBA Filing Address: Secretary of State Division of Corporations, UCC, and Commissions 101 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0101 $40: for Maine Fictitious Names $125:for Maine Assumed Names ZenBusiness. You can see editors’ Change Your Fictitious Name ...
Filing a Delaware fictitious business name, aka a Delaware DBA (doing business as), is an easy and straightforward process. If you want to save time and effort,LLC filing companieslike LegalZoom and ZenBusiness can help you get that at a fraction of the cost. ...