I spend a lot of time doing nothing (synonym) I spent 5 days doing nothing but... I'm not doing anything/I'm doing nothing I've been doing nothing but I’m doing nothing, So do I. Is there literally nothing else you could be doing ...
excitingsatisfyingwellpaidrelaxingessentialpromisingthrillingingreatdemand ….negative boringbadlypaidstressfuldangerous ….neutral permanenttemporaryintellectual manual…Tips:howtolearnvocabulary1.learnsynonym/antonymatthesame time2.payattentiontothetoneofwords filltheblanks Thereexistavarietyofjobs1__wh_e_r_e_you...
based on a leader’s decades of experience with Venturing: apparently, in a co-ed situation, the girls tend to take over the leadership positions and do a great job, which doesn’t leave much space for the boys to take over and screw up like they have to. ...