Hey guys! Welcome to our newly upgraded segment—Daily Funny Moments! Taking into afers' suggestions, we've combined memes and daily comments to bring more joy to fans and make this segment more enjoyable. We hope everyone has a wonderful day! Memes of the Day Football players wit...
Take today, for instance. I’ve been cleaning since I dropped my kids off at school. It’s now five minutes to five in the evening. I haven’t stopped. Cleaning my house the day before my husband’s surgery sounds like a great idea (it’s always less stressful to come home to a ...
(played by whishaw)—and his alleged efforts to have scott murdered—earned him no small amount of notoriety during a highly publicized trial in 1979. it was a juicy role to say the least, but grant hesitated. “[i was] trying to find reasons not to do the job which is…i specialize...
They offer stacked training and build a playbook and handbook specifically for the role the employee is in, as well as have them job shadow until they are comfortable performing on their own; They give clear directions and instructions with tangible metrics for the employee to gamify their duties...
There were unfortunate circumstances that kept their annual show from going forward, but it's hard to not be proud of what a great job this organization has done over the year. Hold your heads high, ladies!
However, we're coming up on close to a year since launch and all the really stupid issues have been fixed, agreed? Yes, AMD did a crap job with the launch, but as have been discussed elsewhere, they're a comparatively tiny company to Intel and don't have the money and...
7. The Written World: Living in a Fantasy World 8. Deserving of love, not neglect 9. Other Women's Stories: Westminster Dog Show Love 10. I Wish I Lived In a Library: Books I Haven't Read 11. Top Ten Swoony Books I Love!