Or, to run the FINDER algorithm, you should run: conda activate finder A similar command should be used for the other algorithms. conda activate dismantling Please note that a script that takes care of switching to the right environment is provided in currently in the works. Then, you can ...
In 2015, 368 billion RMB (approximately equivalent to 56.6 billion US dollars) has been invested into urban rail transit construction [16], an increase of 27% compared with the same period last year. Fifty-five cities are planning to construct urban rail transit systems, and the total ...
Introduction: the European union as an elitist democracy The topical collection of the European Journal of Futures Research on “The Future of Europe” addresses some issues that are crucial to the further development of the Union such as the concept of cosmopolitanism (Erik Oddvar Eriksen), the ...
Nature (2007)Cite this article 103 Accesses 11 Altmetric Metrics details The editor of a new book, an anthology of science blogs, talks about how his blog saved his career in science.This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access optionsSubscription info for Chines...
the virus remained stable on passage through the alimentary tract. The significance of man as a carrier, able to disseminate the virus widely within the environment, is discussed in relation to the epidemiology of the disease. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of an ‘alimentary...
In this article, we propose a new set of acoustic features for automatic emotion recognition from audio. The features are based on the perceptual quality metrics that are given in perceptual evaluation of audio quality known as ITU BS.1387 recommendation
the type of misrepresentation was recorded when found. misrepresentation was defined in a manner similar to that by caplan et al and includes the following: (1) reporting authorship of an article when not listed as an author, (2) listing an article that does not exist in the literature, (...
This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Subscription info for Chinese customers We have a dedicated website for our Chinese customers. Please go to naturechina.com to subscribe to this journal. Go to naturechina.com Buy this article Purchase on Spri...
Now, Hayabusa-2 aims to raise the bar with an ambitious suite of experiments to probe the asteroid 1999 JU3. This space rock is a 'C-type' asteroid, meaning that it is darker and probably more carbon-rich than the 'S-type' Itokawa. The goal is to collect material that is relatively...
Increasing amount of dyes in the ecosystem particularly in wastewater has propelled the search for more efficient low-cost adsorbents. The effective use of