SCI(Science Citation Index)是一个由Clarivate Analytics公司提供的数据库,收录了全球顶尖期刊中的论文...
I use \usepackage[style=phys,doi=true,eprint=true,biblabel=brackets]{biblatex} to implement the AIP citation style with minor changes (showing DOI, using brackets instead of superscript, show arXiv by using eprinttype=arXiv). Now I've noticed that the DOI is given like Author John, "J...
Kennedy was a Navy hero in World War Two. The discrepancy between the stories of the two parties involved in the accident was so great that the authorities had a hard time deciding which side was telling the truth. Tom's criminal record consists of only two drunken driving citations. When...
来源:格式标准:作者. 发表年份. “文献题名.”期刊名称,卷(期):引文起止页码.要求:参考文献需列出所有作者名字,并使用全名。第一作者先写姓再写名,从第二作者开始,...
You have probably seen reference lists with citations that end in a long number preceded by the abbreviation “doi,” or been told that your list is missing those. But what does “DOI” stand for? A DOI, meaning digital object identifier, is a unique alphanumeric string that is assigned ...
关于JCR(Journal Citation Reports, 期刊引证报告) 期刊分区影响较为广泛的有两种:一种是 Thomson Reuters 公司制定的分区(中文一般翻译为汤森路透分区);第二种是中国科学院国家科学图书馆制定的分区(简称中科院分区)。这两种分区方式均基于 SCI 收录期刊影响因子基础之上进行分区的。
FUNCTION {format.vol.num.pages} { volume field.or.null boldface pages empty$ 'skip$ { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ format.pages } { ", " * pages * } if$ } if$ doilink } In this case the volume and pages will be hyperlinks. In general the hyperlink will be asso...
* [CVE-2024-34711]( Improper ENTITY_RESOLUTION_ALLOWLIST URI validation in XML Processing (SSRF) (High 7.3)23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions 23 download/index.html Original file line numberDiff line numberDif...
The outcomes of this research show that only a few publishers were responsible for and/or affected by the majority of invalid citations. We extended the taxonomy of DOI name errors proposed in past studies and defined more elaborated regular expressions that can clean a higher number of mistakes...
<!-- This style was edited with the Visual CSL Editor ( --> <!-- comment --> <info> 作者-日期(姓大写名缩写-年卷期-DOI)--tony注释 作者-日期(姓大写名缩写DOI)--tony注释 <id>