doi:10.1007/s00449-011-0620-1Sangyoung YoonEunsoo HongSohyun KimPyungcheon LeeMinsoo KimHeejong YangYeonwoo RyuBioprocess Biosyst EngYoon S. Optimization ... S Yoon,E Hong,S Kim,... - 《Bioprocess Biosyst Eng》 被引量: 32发表: 2012年 ...
YIN Huiyong,SANG Shizhen,XIE Daolei,et al. A numerical simulation technique to study fault activation characteristics during mining between fault bundles[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences,2019,78(5):148. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-019-8142-2 [8] WU Luyuan,BAI Haibo,YUAN Chao,et al. A water–roc...
16.[唐山路北区期末]—Whydoyouenjoy___Englishsongs?—Becausetheyaresointeresting.A.singB.singingC.singsD.sang返回B 返回17.[中考·西宁]Thereisnoneedto___everynewwordinthedictionarywhenyouarereading.A.lookupB.lookatC.lookafterD.lookthroughA【点拨】句意:当你阅读时,没有必要每一个生词都查字典。l...
比如为消除重复征税,营业税改为增值税;增值税基本税率从17%降至13%;个人所得税也通过扩大税率级距、增加专项附加扣除、提高起征点,实际降低了税负;城镇职工基本养老保险单位缴费比例降至16%等。 张xian生告su《环qiu时报》记者,近年lai走入wang球馆he网球chang的人yue来越duo,这yi现象zai郑钦wen夺冠hou更加ming显...
Pham Duc Toan*, Huynh Van Biet, Vo Thi Thuy Hue, Huynh Dang Sang, Bui Minh Tri, Bui Cach Tuyen Research Institute for Biotechnology and Environment, Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam – Linh Trung ward, Thu Duc district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam ...
example document:Trang sang vuon che Add comment Luong son ba chuc anh dai Type of Work: Motion picture or filmstrip Registration Number / Date: PA0001121168 / 2002-09-30 Date of Publication: October 1, 2000 Date of Creation: 2000
aTEM image of Pd–Pt nanocube catalyst,bcomparison of the RDE results for the ORR (ν = 10 mV/s, ω = 1900 rpm) Full size image 4Non-Pt catalysts The penetration of ethanol through polymeric membranes (alcohol crossover phenomenon) could interfere with ORR rate. Also, the combin...
46. Yan YC, He Z, Yang ZB et al (2021) Soft magnetic skin for super-resolution tactile sensing with force self-decoupling. Sci Robot 6(51):eabc8801. 47. Arbabi A, Arbabi E, Kamali SM et al (2016) Miniature optical planar camera based on...