MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Health (DoH) will allocate close to P400 million for artificial family planning methods for its family health program for 2011, with the bulk to be used to buy birth control pills and other contraceptives.During the Senate budget hearing, Health Secretary ...
摘要: The article reports that Great Britain Department of Health (DoH) consolidated its media planning and public relations (PR) into single agencies to offer a coordinated marketing communications (marcomms) campaigns. It says that the PR for the public health campaigns of DoH will be managed ...
Contraceptive MethodsContraceptionFamily PlanningEmbolismVascular DiseasesDiseasesEDITOR—Mayor reports the Department of Health's change of view on the use of third generation oral contraceptives.1 The department now proposes that women may be prescribed these newer oral contraceptives provided that they are...