A beautiful specimen dogwood tree in full bloom in an Indiana state forest. Credit: Truenature Native Americans treasured dogwood for its hardwood, which they used to make pulleys and spools; the bark and roots were also used for medicinal reasons. When do Dogwoods Bloom? Flowering dogwoods bl...
The bright red fruit of this fast-growing short-lived tree are poisonous to humans but provide a great variety of wildlife with food. The wood is smooth, hard and close-textured and now used for specialty products.Identification of the Flowering Dogwood ...
Another attractive feature is the bark pattern that resembles alligator skin. Dogwoods prefer a well-drained acid soil and make an excellent specimen, understory tree or woodland edge tree as long as it receives shade during the heat of the day. Native Americans used the aromatic bark and roots...
When a dogwood tree is planted can be just as important as how it is fertilized, watered and maintained. Planting during the time that the tree is actively trying to flower or grow can result in stunted or difficult growth and the introduction of diseases. It's important to allow the tree...