DoGSiteScorer: a web server for automatic binding site prediction, analysis and druggability assessment. Andrea Volkamer,Daniel Kuhn,Friedrich Rippmann. Bioinformatics . 2012Volkamer, A.; Kuhn, D.; Rippmann, F.; Rarey, M. DoGSiteScorer: a web server for automatic binding site prediction, ...
DoGSiteScorer is a newly developed automatic tool combining pocket prediction, characterization and druggability estimation and is now available through a web server. Availability: The DoGSiteScorer web server is freely available for academic use at Contact:rarey@z...
2. DoGSiteScorer网址:链接是我常用的预测蛋白小分子活性中心的网站,将蛋白结构提交到这个网站后,点击Go,选择右边的DoGSiteScorer,再点击calculate,就可以得到7个软件预测的蛋白酶的结合口袋,下方红色download按钮可以下载预测口袋的信息打包文件,包括每个口袋区包含的氨基酸,pocket文件夹下的文件可以用chimera软件作图。3....
(2012). DoGSiteScorer: a web server for automatic binding site prediction, analysis and druggability assessment. Bioinformatics, 28, 2074-2075.Volkamer, A., Kuhn, D., Rippmann, F., Rarey, M. DoGSiteScorer: a web server for automatic binding site prediction, analysis and druggability ...
Progress in structure elucidation of proteins now opens up a route to automatic structure-based target assessment. DoGSiteScorer is a newly developed automatic tool combining pocket prediction, characterization and druggability estimation and is now available through a web server. 年份: 2012 ...
Druggable pockets (P) identified by DoGSiteScorer at the entire surface of Charmm_706ps.Zhe, ZhangVirginie, MartinyDavid, LagorceYoshihiko, IkeguchiEmil, AlexovMaria A., Miteva
Druggable pockets (P) and subpockets (SP) close to the targeted dimer interface of Charmm_706ps identified by DoGSiteScorer.Zhe, Zhang