Hi, I have an almost 4 yr of English lab. This morning when we took her for her morning walk she wouldn't walk or stand up. When we tryed to get her to stand, her back was arched and her back left leg was shaking. She ate all her food, so we ruled out stomach problem which...
She said one of the most profound things to me (which is something I’ve heard through the years since by many doctors!), which was: “Treat the dog, not the x-ray.” She said that we could try conservative management (a mix of pain medications, supplements, keeping him lean, etc....
Ideally, Essiac will be given once daily on an empty stomach. First thing in the morning or before bed are good times to give Essiac to your pet. If you need to mix it with food to get your pet to take it, use the minimum amount needed to get your pet to take Essiac. How Much...
The other day, volunteer dog rescuer Mary Nakiso was driving through California’s Orange County when she passed someone cowering on the side of the street. The creature was large, hairy and alone. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Nakiso slammed on her brakes to investigate. As she ...
Sadly, after being in remission for 7 months, that awful cancer came back. And not only had the cancer come back, he had also developed a stomach ulcer and anemia from the NSAID anti-inflammatory drug. The cancer came back because it often builds up a resistance to the chemo, rendering ...