Free spaying for cats, dogsBen Aguirre Jr
While spaying is best thought of as a preventative measure performed in young animals, older dogs may need to be spayed after their show or reproductive career is over or to treat diseases of the ovaries and uterus and other medical conditions. Puppy Vaginitis: Signs, Causes and Treatment What...
Spaying Is Nothing But Removing A Female Dog’s Reproductive Organs. The Vet Removes Her Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes, And Uterus During Spaying. Learn More.
Spaying-induced coat changes: the role of gonadotropins, GnRH and GnRH treatment on the hair cycle of female dogs Although spaying can result in qualitative hair coat changes in dogs, the influence of spaying on the hair growth cycle has never been described. The study... IM Reichler,M ...
“Every lame animal that comes to your practice is not treated the exact same way; every animal hit by a car is not treated the same. I am going to try and convince you that spaying and neutering are no different in that respect: you should be taking each case and evaluating it sepa...
Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead Peeing on other dogs is not an uncommon behavior, although it’s not something we hear of every day. So why might your dog pee on other dogs?Even though it sounds rather disgusting, there are several reasons why your dog might be doing this. First,...
And as you might expect, well-looked after pooches who’ve been consistently trained and loved from the start are happier, more well-behaved dogs. But what about those unavoidable health issues and does the sex of your dog make a difference? The simple answer is yes, but maybe not in ...
Since Chihuahuas are small, does that mean that they also have a smaller bladder hence they need to urinate more often? How often does your Chihuahua have to pee or how long it can hold its bladder? Knowing your furry Read more
The advantages of the long-supported practice of spaying or neutering dogs are being questioned, thanks to new research based on data analyzed from the Morris Animal Foundation’s Golden Retriever Lifetime Study.
We will keep your dog hospitalized until she completely recovers and is safe to send home with after care instructions Home Care Instructions For Recovering From Spaying Procedures Our veterinary staff will also provide post-operative instructions for you to follow at home. This home care includes ...