MA:There is strong resistance from those who believe every dog should have a human home. While their welfare concerns are sometimes valid, this perspective often overlooks the important distinction between healthy and free dogs and those genuinely needing medical assistance or other care...
Alone time Just like people, dogs may want to have some time to themselves. This is particularly the case in homes with children or with a lot of activity and stimulation. It is important for every dog to have a “safe zone”—a place the dog can retreat to and be allowed not t...
Young dog needing a loving home - Urgent! Family let me down! 41 Jayne 13074 24/01/2009 20:10 lost my dog 15 borabeyoglu 11539 23/01/2009 18:53 Problem with a CAT 11 harita 11350 15/01/2009 20:06 Dog lovers you make me laugh 86 Genghis 13865 15/01/2009 19:55 Big old tom ...
In some cases, paw knuckling occurs due to a problem with the dog’s nervous system. Normally, signals are sent through the nerves in the leg to the spinal cord and brain. This input is used to determine the position of the dog’s foot—is it upside down, right side up, being held ...
they were needing to rehome when they got up and running again. I started getting things planned for our new feral cats and decided to build them a cat house and run within our wood shed. The plan was set and I had a couple of months to build the fenced in run, or so I thought....
As a service dog provider, SDWR knows first hand how much a service dog can become an essential need in the homes of people with autism, aspergers, or diabetes. We also know you might not be able to afford the up-front costs associated with a service dog. Luckily, SDWR provides the ...
There are many, many people here with five dogs. You start with a couple but there are always more needing homes. People are becoming more knowledgeable about spaying and neutering but it is still not a widely accepted practice. And there are way too many people who come here thinking the...
RELATED: BC SPCA overwhelmed with cats, kittens needing homes “It broke my heart to see such a friendly and beautiful dog tethered in the mud with no clean dry place to lay down,” said Carey. “I simply cannot imagine how someone could walk by Reena every day and ignore the wagging ...
Even with the No Standing signs, delivery vehicles regularly park on the flush pavers when needing an open space. Moreover, at the Information Meeting, Mr. Wallin offered the rationale that curbless works better for maintenance and operations, but that does not justify the expense in the name ...
If I could build 20 new enclosures today, I could fill them all tomorrow with wolfdogs needing rescue. The ethics of captive wildlife is a struggle for me. I view *Captive Wildlife* is an oxymoron, you can be one or the other but you cannot be both. Our wolves belong in the wild,...