Search for dogs for adoption at shelters near Westbrook, ME. Find and adopt a pet on Petfinder today.
With more adoptable pets than ever, we have an urgent need for pet adopters. Search for dogs, cats, and other available pets for adoption near you.
The academic Peter Singer may be the reason for the adoption. He has just published, in thepeer-reviewedJournal of Controversial Ideas, the paper “Zoophilia Is Morally Permissible“. By some person calling herself “Fira Bensto” (I put that into an anagram solver and got “Fiat Boners”)....
Every country has a chapter of the National Humane Society, so conduct a quick Internet or phone book search for a location near your office.Sponsor a national adoption group. Organizations such as Adopt a Pet or the ASPCA are always in need of support.Reach out to local rescue groups. ...
As I mentioned in my last post, Chikoo was flipped upside down in belly, proving that he would already be stubborn from an early age. This resulted in me needing to have a c-section to safely retrieve the little guy and bring him out into the world. On Chikoo’s birth day, hospitals...
If I could build 20 new enclosures today, I could fill them all tomorrow with wolfdogs needing rescue. The ethics of captive wildlife is a struggle for me. I view *Captive Wildlife* is an oxymoron, you can be one or the other but you cannot be both. Our wolves belong in the wild,...
Molly and Atlas play together constantly. When we’re gone to work, Molly lies right beside Atlas’ crate all day.” Although I’m a big proponent of dog adoption, if you are considering buying a puppy, pleaseresearch breeders carefullyas this family did. ...