Norwich Nottingham Oxford Perth Peterborough Plymouth Portsmouth Preston Ripon Salford Salisbury Sheffield Southampton St Albans St Asaph St Davids Stirling Stoke-on-Trent Sunderland Swansea Wakefield Wells Westminster Winchester Wolverhampton Worcester York...
William Hawkins had traded with Portuguese Brazil under Henry VIII, as the Southampton merchants were to do later on. English merchants lived in Lisbon and Cadiz; a few were even settled in New Spain; and a friendly Spaniard had been so delighted by the prospective union of the English with...
In early 1945, HMS Daffodil was regularly crossing the English Channel from Southampton to Cherbourg or Dieppe with railway material. On 18th March she struck a mine off Dieppe and was sunk with the loss of 33 lives including that of the 24-year old William Edmonds. (See this interesting an...