Dog kennels in North Cyprus 3 Hoopdog 13752 15/01/2012 17:32 Pheonix the cat needs your help 3 jenfarrall 10502 12/01/2012 19:09 NEW Quarantine Laws Jan 2012... Bringing dog from TRNC to UK 5 styliana85 11381 12/01/2012 01:23 For sale, 2 Large dog kennels (Min pointer size)...
Our analysis showed that Europe topped the number of publications on the human–dog bond with 301 publications (42.6% of total), followed by North America, 277 (39.2%), Oceania, 52 (7.4%), Asia, 37 (5.2%), South America, 30 (4.2%), Africa, 6 (0.8%), and the Middle East, 3 (...