BRISBANE (Qld.)POSTUREFOOD habitsDOG adoptionDOGSBEHAVIORSimple Summary: Canine behaviour assessments are commonly used in shelters to identify behaviour problems in dogs prior to adoption. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether kennel monitoring of dogs could identify early signs of...
When I lived in Rockhampton, QLD, some residents of the Woorabinda Tribal Lands brought several puppies into town because their camp dog population was getting out of hand. At 3 months of age, she was handed over to a foster carer who had a big heart but few skills. At 7 1/2 m...
A retrospective single cohort study was conducted to describe the characteristics and outcomes of the dog population entering Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Queensland (RSPCA-QLD) shelters in 2014 (n = 11,967). The majority of dog admissions were strays from the ...
animals Article Surrendered and Stray Dogs in Australia—Estimation of Numbers Entering Municipal Pounds, Shelters and Rescue Groups and Their Outcomes Diana Chua 1,*, Jacquie Rand 1,2 and John Morton 1,3 1 School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland, Gatton, QLD 4343, Australia; j....
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of stray adult dogs and cats admitted to RSPCA-QLD shelters (January 2012–December 2013). Percentage of source, sex, desexed status, microchip status and outcome is shown in brackets. Table 2. Cross-tabulation of source, sex and desexed status for non-microc...
RSPCA-QLD operates four adoption centers where RSPCA animals can be adopted, but the full services of a shelter are not offered. The RSPCA also has contracts with selected pet shops to stock only RSPCA sheltered dogs and cats. Of the nine shelters, six had municipal council contracts and ...
2 Australian Pet Welfare Foundation, Kenmore, QLD 4069, Australia 3 Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan 4 School of Veterinary Science, The University of Melbourne, Werribee, VIC 3030, Australia * Author to...
Qld 19.9%S,tWateA/T1e0rr.8it%or,yS(ANo7t%e:,TThaes p2.r1o%po,rAtioCnTo1f.6th%e aAnudstNralTia1n%p)o.pulation in each State/Territory is: NSW 3T1h.7e%p, eVricc2a4p.9it%a,vQalldu1e9s.9fo%r, WeaAch10m.8a%rk, SeAtp7la%c,eTaans d2.1S%ta,tAe/CTTer1r.6it%orayndarNe ...
Occurrence, Pathology, Treatment and Risk to Shelter Workers Ali Raza 1,*,†, Jacquie Rand 1,2,†, Abdul Ghaffar Qamar 3, Abdul Jabbar 4 ID and Steven Kopp 1 1 School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland, Gatton, QLD 4343, Australia; (J.R....