Three months after offering assistance and experience to Mayor Coderre in drafting an effective animal control bylaw, we find ourselves in the same position again – offering help and hoping for a reasonable and personal reply. Read more “Pit Bull” ban triggers Montreal tourism boycott On Au...
For precisely sixty minutes, Shatner’s creative retelling of an upbringing with a loving, middle-class, Jewish family in Montreal is engaging. He uses slide projections, video clips, and an office chair in rather ingenious and theatrical ways to illustrate key moments (e.g. the office chair ...
Nuong is sponsored, all of a sudden, by a family in the United States. The adoption, arranged by an American Christian relief agency, happens so fast Hiroji is caught off guard. He has to hide his unhappiness in a bloom of smiles. In a few weeks, Nuong will board a plane from Bangko...