In summary, bilateral ear canal neoplasia should be considered in cases of nonresponsive, proliferative aural pathology.doi:10.1111/j.1365-3164.2005.00449.xGila ZurJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Veterinary DermatologyZur G. Bilateral ear canal neoplasia in three dogs. Vet Dermatol 2005;16(4):276-280....
Many true albino dogs will suffer from deafness because the unpigmented skin in the ear canal causes the nerve endings to degenerate.The truth is, more than 60 different gene mutations in various species are known to cause albinism, often with slightly different effects. Light fur with blue ...
, such as the ear conformation (narrow ear canal, excessive hair in the ear canal, long and pendulous ears), excessive humidity (baths, swimming habit), iatrogenic factors (use of cotton swab to clean the ear, use of irritant cleaning solutions) and the occurrence of obstructive ear ...
An apparatus for improved ear canal airflow in dogs is provided. The apparatus resembling a bonnet and includes a noseband, elastic fitting, collar portion, and a pair of ear pockets. The bonnet configured to fit over the head of a dog. The pair of ear pockets is configured to hold the...
Ear infections or head shaking Speckles on the underbelly Hair loss on the tail and upper back Grayish or rust color around the genitals Diarrhea Seasonal allergies Secondary bacterial infection It’s important to know these signs …becausethe longer your dog’s yeast infection goes untreated, the...
Of 57 dogs included in a survey of the bacteriology of the horizontal ear canal, 31 showed clinical signs consistent with ear irritation. Twenty-six dogs were presented for other reasons and were asymptomatic for ear irritation.All dogs sampled were anaesthetized and sterile moistened swabs used ...
This is the first reported study in which various cytological and microbial components of the ear canal of wild jackals () were examined and compared with those of domesticated dogs (). It is proposed that the differences between them might be attributable to domestication. The normal cytology ...
Body weight correlated positively with the overall length and diameter of the distal end of the ear canal ( r = 0.78, P < 0.001; r = 0.42, P < 0.05). Morphometric evaluation was carried in 28 clinically healthy ears of 14 dogs, and 15 otitic ears o...
Ceruminous- 1996 Ear canal tumors in dogs and cats (dog and cats).pdfLondon, CADubilzeig, RRVail, DMOgilvie, GKHahn, KABrewer, WGHammer, ASO'Keefe, DAChun, RMcEntee, MC
Case 3 (9-year-old male German shepherd) was diagnosed 2 months earlier with unilateral ear canal proliferation; however, otoscopic examination showed bilateral proliferation that obstructed both canals. In summary, bilateral ear canal neoplasia should be considered in cases of nonreponsive, ...