Works with Pedigree Publisher or Pedigree Cloud. Currently we are not offerring this for use with Pedigree Point. Multiple users can connect to the same hosted database at the same time so when one user makes a change, all the other users connected to that database will see that change. ...
Before making a puppy/dog buying decision, it’s essential that you carefully study the pedigrees of the litters on your short list. Although cancer won’t be obvious within thepedigree, you can talk to breeders or owners and ask relevant questions. People can contract cancer due to their ge...
1), and three came from a large multi-generational pedigree with extensive interbreeding (dogs B1, B2, and B3, Fig. 1). Fig. 1 Miniature dachshund dystrophic phenotype and pedigrees. A A miniature dachshund from Australia that was evaluated for persistently elevated creatine kinase activity ...
Getting Priorities Straight: Risk Assessment and Decision-making in the Improvement of Inherited Disorders in Pedigree Dogs. Vet. J. 2011, 189, 147–154. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Bovenkerk, B.; Nijland, H.J. The Pedigree Dog Breeding Debate in Ethics and Practice: Beyond ...
was rehomed, the reason for the acquisition, the experience level of the owner, the animal’s socialisation experiences, the consistent husbandry and management practices, the training, the sex ratio of the litter and the history of dogs that display aggression in the pedigree as risk factors. ...
Pedigree Dog Breeding in the UK: A Major Welfare Concern; Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: Hosham, UK, 2009. 37. Hiby, E.F.; Rooney, N.J.; Bradshaw, J.W.S. Dog training methods: their use, effectiveness and interaction with behaviour and welfare. Anim. ...