Tick bites can be irritating for dogs, but the bigger concern is the diseases ticks can transmit to dogs and humans alike. While your dog can’t transmit a tick disease directly to you, you both could be at risk for tick bites when you spend time outdoors. Read on to learn how tick-...
Dogs and humans have a long shared history, but how alike are we really? When the structure of DNA was discovered and we gained the ability to sequence both human and animal genomes, it was no great surprise to learn that we had a lot in common with our animal friends. Humans and anim...
However,dogs are not humansand treating them like a human can sometimes bring disastrous results. Similarly, humans are not dogs. When we try tobitea dog with our fingers, it does not work out very well either. “Men and dogs are not alike, although some men try to make them so. White...
In many northern communities, these changes have resulted in health disparities for dogs and humans alike. Unwanted feral dog populations in villages pose significant health threats to communities, but access to preventive veterinary services is extremely limited. This chapter describes the many ways in...
Embracing the power of nature walks can significantly benefit the emotional well-being of dogs and humans alike.Through regular walks in natural settings, dogs can release pent-up emotional stress, enjoy sensory exploration, and engage in physical exercise....
but fungi can also cause disease in dogs and humans alike. Fungi are for instance responsible for the common ringworm disease in dogs. As you might have guessed already, fungi that infect dogs will not cause the appearance of cute little toadstools with red hats and white dots on top of yo...
Don’t feed your dog raw fish, though, since it can carry harmful bacteria such as salmonella and listeria, which can be extremely dangerous for dogs and humans alike. Also, be wary of the amounts of fish you allow your dog to eat since some of them (salmon, for example) have a hig...
But MacKenzie, a four-pound chihuahua, who was named winner of the 2020 American Hero Dog Competition on October 19, 2020, is making the world a better place for humans and animals alike.狗通常被认为是人类最好的朋友。但是, 一只4磅重的吉娃娃狗麦肯齐在2020年10月19日赢得了2020年美国英雄犬...
It helps cures stomach ulcers in dogs and humans alike. It helps in healing bladder and urinary tract infections in canines. However, you must never solely rely on giving your pet cranberries or cranberry juice for them to recover from a urinary tract infection. When your pet has UTI, seek...
This is definitely a PUPULAR destination for dogs and humans alike! Seriously one of the best places to get some of the most AMAZING custard treats anywhere. In fact, I may get a dog just so I have one more excuse to go have a their Brownie Hot Fudge Sundae or Butter Pecan concretes....