Awareness of ASMR has gradually spread over the years, and a broad range of Youtube videos now cater to people who experience it. However, most of those videos feature live humans performing actions known to trigger the sensation; ASMR animation remains a pretty small f...
“The movie could easily coast on the ridiculous amount of work that went into realizing its weird conceit… Seemingly thousands of videos ranging from the obscure to the I-wish-it-were-obscure (Tim Allen’s public nude scene inThe Shaggy Dog) have been shredded like the morning paper into ...
Related Explore See latest videos, charts and news In case you missed it, Doggie Parton was found separated from her owners after Parton played to 100,000 people at Glastonbury Festival. Parton considered adopting the dog, but now she happily reports the dog will soon return home. “We just ...