Red, stinky, dirt ears usually mean a dog ear infection is brewing and with it comes sensitivity, pain, and irritability. Ear Infections Eyelid Conditions Small Dog Eyelid Problems Should we worry? You know you have the responsibility to protect them as well as you can. ...
4. Eyelid Ectropion Ectropion is a fancy word for the droopy eyelids that most people find so adorable. While dogs with this condition may look cute, they could have other health problems that require treatment. Ectropion may develop from a lifetime of smallerirritations to the eyes. There is...
With either condition, when an eyelash pokes into the eyeball, it is extremely painful and can lead to corneal ulcers. Signs of this include eye pain (a Pug may paw at the eye), abnormal twitching of the eyelid, bloodshot eyes, excessive tearing, and/or change in iris pigmentation. ...
For those unfamiliar with the condition, dry eye is just what it says. The eye is deficient in the natural moisture supplied by tears, and so the surface lacks lubrication and dries out. This is like having permanently hot itchy eyes, and every time you blink sand rubs into your cornea (...
The disease is most common in dogs who have a predisposition to the condition, which includes both brachycephalic (short-faced) and giant breeds. 7. Cherry Eye Cherry eye occurs when the gland associated with your dog’s nictitating membrane (the third eyelid, sometimes visible near the inner...
of a problem, rather than a specific disease. Several different issues, including eyelid deformities and blocked ducts, can lead to the condition. Though this isn’t a medical emergency, you’ll want to make an appointment with your vet to obtain a diagnosis and begin the appropriate treatment...
Ultimately, good dog eye care contributes to the immediate comfort of our furry friends and their long-term well-being. By addressing issues early and seeking professional help when needed, pet parents can help their dogs enjoy a lifetime of optimal eye health, preserving their precious sense of...
In cherry eye, a tear-producing gland "pops out" from behind the dog's third eyelid. It's called cherry eye because the gland is round and bright red. Cherry eye can be repaired with surgery. Besides cherry eye, Boston Terriers are also at risk for dry eye and cataracts. 24/26 ...
A condition that often impacts them is colloquially called “cherry eye.” It gets this name from the protrusion of the third eyelid, and it can cause vision issues with too much progression. Other than that, bulldogs are also prone to heat-related problems. Their skin folds can also easily...
Eyelid and Eyelash Problems: Basset Hounds are prone to eyelid conditions such as ectropion, where the eyelids turn outward, and entropion, where the eyelids roll inward, causing lashes to irritate the eye surface. These conditions can lead to discomfort, irritation, and potential eye damage. Reg...