Constipation could be due to too much bone in the raw diet that day or the day before. If this happens, feces will have white in them and look chalky or crumbly. If so, I make sure the next meal has a higher liquid and meat content. Diarrhea I always take diarrhea seriously. Soft ...
Bananasare high in potassium (great for muscle and blood vessel function), fiber (a handy home remedy for the occasional bout of doggy diarrhea or constipation) and magnesium (important for energy transport and protein building in the body). Bananas also have lots of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), ...
If dog showing some digestive problem such as diarrhea, constipation etc.; discontinue the food and try this procedure with another food item. August 17, 2015 at 6:44 pm #77222 Report Abuse zuponicafe Member The environmental allergy article was quite helpful. In particularly the mites/...
Answer:If your dog has been perfectly housebroken until now, you should consider medical reasons. Increased motility can cause accidents as it happens with diarrhea and some other digestive disorders. Other things that come to mind is that he might be stressed or perhaps he isn't pooping during...
Large Colon (Descending):which is responsible for forming stool; any alteration to this process may lead to constipation or diarrhea. Rectum:where stool leaves the body How Nutrition Can Help Talk to your vet about yourconcerns foryour pet's GI tracthealth. Your veterinarian may recommend a Roy...
the area may be warm, red, and painful to the touch. there may be swelling and/or discharge at the surgical site. your dog may be reluctant to stand up and move around. your dog may even vomit or have diarrhea. if you suspect your dog may have an infection, let their veterinarian ...
Canceris caused by the rapid division of cells that often form masses or tumors in various parts of the cat. While it mainly occurs in older pets, it can happen at any age. It can be found in almost every part of the body, from the bones to the brain. It can be hard to detect ...
Diarrhea Constipation Less energy, appetite loss, or disinterest in playing after chewing on a particular toy or treat The truth is, although some chews are better than others, it’s important to know the potential problems associated with each type of dog chew or toy. Even if you’ve never...
Diarrhea and increased appetite.We found a cat that we have decided to keep. We have had all his shots, Neutered and...(8024 views) Click in dog's elbow.Hi Dr. I've noticed that sometimes Max's right elbow will creak as he bends it...(18198 views) Constipated...
hunched posture, to vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or no stool production, to decreased or absent appetite, to blood in the stool. If you have any concerns that your dog may have swallowed a bone, it's best to have a veterinarian check him out to find out. Thank you for your ...