my dog is losing her equalibreum and was throwing up yellow stomach bile.her poop is solid and urine is normal. she has ate a little bit. she has kept that down since she has ate. Related questions about vomiting in dogs: Vomiting and not eating for 3 days ...
Vomiting bloodis uncommon and should always warrant a trip to the vet. Obstructions, ulcers, pharmaceuticals, bleeding ulcers, parasites, severe bacterial infections, malignant and benign tumors and damage to the stomach or intestines can cause bloody vomit. ...
These tumors will also cause a decrease or loss of appetite, weight loss, and sometimes blood may appear in the vomit. Some brain tumors may also cause vomiting. In particular, if the tumor is near a small area of the brain known as the vomiting center, the vomiting can be more frequent...
but vomiting can also be a sign of other more serious conditions. A dog throwing up is not a specific disease or a diagnosis in and of itself; however, it is merely a clinical sign that can occur with many diseases
Is it mostlybileor mucus? What color is it? Does the vomit containwhite foam, water, or blood? Are there pieces of toys, clothing, or other inedible material mixed in? It's a good idea to drop any foreign objects you may find into a baggie in case your vet needs to see them later...
bile peritonitischoleperitoneumdiaphragmdogA 4-year-old intact male mixed-breed dog was presented with vomiting and severe depression of six-day duration after being struck by a car two weeks before presentation. Clinical examination revealed hypothermia, respiratory difficulty, jaundice, and a bi...
In dogs, conditions that cause hyperbilirubinemia fall into three categories -- hemolysis, liver disease and bile duct obstruction. Hemolysis occurs when red blood cells break down and die faster than normal. This increased level of cell waste contributes to increased bilirubin. Common causes of hemo...
That blood is then brought into your dog's heart and pumped back out into the rest of the body. Sounds bad right? It is, as this starts to show symptoms with neurological issues, which we will go through in a bit. Fortunately, this can be managed and treated through surgical interventio...
indicates a gastric motility disorder [more common] or gastric outlet obstruction [less common]), (6) content of the vomitus (food, clear fluid, bile, blood, material with fecal odor), and (7) type and frequency of vomiting (projectile?, chronic intermittent?, cyclic?, morning vomiting ...
This homeopathic remedy is made from milk thistle, and is therefore effective in treating liver disease in dogs - especially those that are vomiting bile (green material). Dogs that need this remedy may also suffer from colic and cramping. ...