So that’s why we were on the Cornwalls’ property stealing chunks of rich dark moss from their bog, peat that was going to waste anyway. By the time we’d filled our barrow, the wind whipping through the white elms had chapped our lips and cheeks as red as beets. To my back stood...
Oh dear. I'm so sorry to hear that Little White Dog is still vomiting this much! What a frustrating situation. I have some questions for you: Does she vomit up water? When she vomits does it look partially digested at all, or is it just a tube of undigested food? Thanks. I am...
SirRayIV, not all dogs use their teeth and jaws, and will just gulp large chunks of bone without chewing; others may sometimes get puctured intestines from cooked bones which are prone to splintering. You have been fortunate, but having worked for a vet I can attest that these unfortunate...
If your dog vomits or has diarrhea, return to his prior diet and make the change more carefully once his digestive system is back to normal. That may include feeding the new food separately from the old (at least a few hours in between meals), and feeding only one new food at a ...
t feed it to him and just fed it to my other dog. Immediately after eating it tonight she threw up this extremely mucousy green and white vomit and might’ve even had some diarrhea, but I couldn’t really determine if it was that or throw up. She then walked around with mucousy ...
I try to change the times of day when he gets fed as the body will start producing stomach acids to break down the raw and he vomits yellow bile, which i have been told are “hunger pukes” Hope that helps 🙂 Kimon March 1, 2016 at 5:05 pm ...
So the trip wasn’t everything I’d hoped it might be, but it was pretty interesting, and I DID learn that sullen teen herring gulls will projectile vomit on you if you even think about fucking with them.#truefact Afterwards, I FINALLY made it into Acadia National Park to drive the sc...
Neither of us would have wanted anyone to risk taking a boat out in the weather we were experiencing, and I suspect if they had all we’d have seen was our own vomit. I’ve seen Fin whales (60ft long, the Formula Ones of the ocean) and the incredibly rare Right whale but I’ve...
Oh, and by the way I must be directly over the target to have an idiot paid troll like you to come on this early and spew your incoherent vomit. I guess I should be flattered. Now back to the street and make sure you cover your treasonous ugly face with a mask. Reply This scept...